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Read about our fast & easy mobile PPC tips for hotels.

June 18, 2021 · Jeremy Razook

Fast & Easy Mobile PPC Tips For Hotels

More than 60% of searches are done via a mobile device. Are your pay per click ads up to date? Learn about mobile PPC best practices & what works best for hotels.
Target audience and market segmentation

June 15, 2020 · Phil Foriska

Timeline For Targeting Specific Markets During Recovery

There seems to be some debate on when hotels should resume their normal marketing efforts. Rather than guessing, we've reviewed collective data from our consumer sentiment studies, as well as online reservation data to provide a general timeline o...
Targeting Drive Markets

April 21, 2020 · Phil Foriska

A How-To Guide For Targeting Drive Markets

How-To Guide For Targeting Drive Markets In a post-crisis world, many anticipate that the majority of your hotel's business will com via drive markets. There will likely still be some apprehension to fly, but people will be in serious need of a g...
Businesswoman taking notes while sitting in office.

April 2, 2020 · Alyssa Fate

Crisis Recovery Checklist for Hotels

Preparing for a Coronavirus Comeback Navigating a pandemic can be difficult. However, you can rest assured knowing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We’ve put together a crisis recovery checklist to ensure you’re prepared...