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Understanding Google's March 2024 core update

May 17, 2024 · travelboom

Google’s March 2024 Core Update: Impacts & Insights

Google released a core update in March 2024 designed to address spammy, low-quality content, and hoteliers and hospitality content creators should take note. These algorithm changes, which happen several times per year, are implemented to update h...
Content writer sitting at desk asking herself, "what should a hotel blog about?"

March 27, 2024 · Alyssa Fate

What Should a Hotel Blog About? 

A well-maintained hotel blog can be a powerful tool for enhancing your hotel’s online presence, attracting targeted traffic, and improving your search engine rankings over time. But, what should a hotel blog about? Writing Content for Hotel ...
Online image information including alt text.

May 8, 2023 · Pam Doute

Alt Text SEO Best Practices for Hotels

Writing great image alt text doesn't have to be complicated. Learn what image alt text is and follow these quick and easy steps to make your alt text great for searchers and search engines.
keyword research

February 27, 2023 · Jeremy Razook

Keyword Research for Hotels

Keyword research for hotels is an integral piece of your hotel's performance online. Get expert tips that will help you find the best keywords for your site.
Hotel Reception

December 15, 2022 · Jeremy Razook

How can Hotels Promote Sales During the Off-Season?

Increasing occupancy during the off-season remains one of the hotelier’s biggest challenges and can require a lot of creativity for your digital marketing strategy. Hotel marketers should utilize every platform, including email, social, paid sea...