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Online hotel booking and travel planning

April 27, 2022 · Jeremy Razook

The Evolution of Google Hotel Search Results

It’s a known fact that Google has goals of becoming the complete funnel for many of the searches and transactions we make online. They’ve already made great strides with their airline system and they have their sights squarely aligned wit...
#1 SEO Audit

December 30, 2020 · Nicolette Cromer

The #1 SEO Audit For Hotel Websites

Auditing your website is part of a normal, healthy routine. You take in your car for check-ups and tune-ups, you go to the doctor’s office for physicals and exams, so why wouldn’t you take care of your website in the same way?
Client looking for hotel local listing

March 24, 2020 · Britni Mullins

Local Listings Best Practices During A Global Crisis

With everything that’s happening around the world and within the hotel industry specifically, it’s important to adapt your marketing and advertising strategies NOW.  Keeping your property information up-to-date is the best way to keep you...
Adjusting Your Hotel Ad Strategy Blog

March 23, 2020 · Phil Foriska

How To Adjust Your Advertising Strategy Right Now

Through trying and difficult times,  TravelBoom is here to help. Advertising has become a quagmire and we want to provide actionable to-dos that can be implemented immediately to ensure your current advertising efforts are setting you up for suc...