Hotel Marketing Podcast: Episode 244 – Attracting The Next Generation of Hotel Guests

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This is episode 244, and do you ever wonder how you can get those zoomers and younger generation guests to give your property a try? Look no further, that’s exactly what we’re covering in today’s episode.  And big episodes need a big cast, that’s why we have two members of the BoomSquad with us today.  We have both Alyssa and Jeremy on to discuss the finer points of attracting younger guests to your property. This episode is going to be covering Alyssa’s latest article, Attracting Younger Hotel Guests, which you can read right here.

Parts of this podcast will cover The 2023 Leisure Travel Trends Study which is ready for download for the low low price of FREE!

Today’s Hotel Newsaroo

MGM is Hacked by ‘Scattered Spider” bringing down the 14-billion dollar giant on September 13th

Attracting Younger Hotel Guests

Defining age groups:

  • Baby boomers are the eldest, born between the years 1946 and 1964.
  • Generation X follows, and they were born between 1965 and 1980.
  • Next comes Generation Y (more commonly known as Millennials), born between roughly 1981 and 1994.
  • The youngest generation in today’s workforce is Gen Z, who were born between 1995 and 2009.

“Everything you think you know about millennials? Concentrate it tenfold, and you get Gen Z. Other generations are a continuum, but the millennial-to-Gen-Z span is a cliff. The next generation is completely detached from many old habits.” Fred Lalonde, co-founder and CEO of Hopper: a travel booking app and online travel marketplace that sells flights, hotels, rental cars, and short-term rentals

Gen Z

  • Starting families later 
  • Buying homes later
  • Owning less and doing more
  • This is the first group of people that has had around the clock internet connectivity. 

While Baby Boomers and Generation X may have more disposable income, data shows that younger generations are more likely to travel and hoteliers must be mindful of this.

According to a recent American Express global travel report 84% of Gen Z and Millennial respondents agreed that they would rather take a dream vacation than purchase a new luxury item. 

Gen Z Travel Trends

  • Curate cultural experiences
  • Offer authentic, fresh cuisine
  • Organize outdoor adventures
  • Budget-friendly travel: Consider creating a loyalty program for your hotel
  • Provide quality WiFi + other technology on-site (think streaming services)
  • Accommodate the wellness traveler > In this post-pandemic world, the focus on health is only expected to grow, which means wellness travel is a permanent sector of the hospitality industry. From massage to meditation, accommodating the wellness traveler can even be as simple as improving your on-site fitness facility.
  • Support sustainable business practices by going green where possible 
  • Highlight top-notch reviews on social media or directly on your website
  • Take a proactive approach to guest reviews
    • Master customer service to circumvent negative reviews 
  • Collecting feedback wherever possible
    • Solicit feedback on a variety of platforms (social media, post-stay survey)
    • Asks guests to leave a good review when speaking with them on-site
    • Offer an incentive for leaving a review
  • Actively engage with users
    • Have a dedicated employee or agency that monitors review platforms
    • This younger audience not only wants a well-reviewed hotel, but they also want to see authenticity in the follow-up.

Hotels That Are Leading The Way

Major hotel brands are already catering to both Generations Y and Z: 

  1. Moxy by Marriott – a more affordable brand that focuses on the essentials. Their brand overview actually states: guests can save on space and splurge on experiences and they uphold this mantra from the get-go check-in at the bar instead of a typical hotel desk.
  2. Canopy by Hilton:  targets the lifestyle-minded consumer. Canopy offers complimentary Canopy Bikes to explore
  3. Tempo by Hilton: Each Tempo location offers well-being amenities, modern fitness facilities, and flexible meeting/working spaces. 

What are some tips for Connecting with Gen Z?

Engaging Gen Z is becoming crucial for success – after all, they are the future of travel. Meeting today’s enthusiastic youth where they exist is key. 

  1. Thinking digitally > Master hotel marketing campaigns on platforms they consume information. Consider social media platforms that you might not participate in traditionally:
    • TikTok
    • Instagram (stories & reels)
    • Snapchat
    • Non-traditional ad placements > Think OTT
  2. On-site
    • The same American Express Global Travel Trends Report revealed that 48% of respondents want to travel somewhere they can show off on social media. 
    • Create areas on-site that guests want to share and / or take photos in front of.
      1. Post a hashtag and use it!
      2. Set up backdrops or modern spots that guests enjoy being in

Ready to learn more about attracting Gen X as well as younger travelers in general to your property, continue reading the latest article Attracting Younger Hotel Guests, which you can read right here.

TravelBoom News:

2023 Leisure Travel Trends Study

Savvy hoteliers should expect some unprecedented changes in leisure traveler behavior in 2023 and beyond. Low confidence in the economy, changing decision-makers, and new technologies are all pointing to a massive shift in how hoteliers court a new generation of travelers.

Download the detailed analysis of the findings, along with observations and specific opportunities that help you position your property at the top of customers’ minds.

Get the 2023 Leisure Travel Trends Study at

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